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Who We Are

Board & Staff

Patricia Bennett

Patricia Bennett

Patricia Bennett graduated from Virginia Tech with a BS in finance in 1982. From 1982 to 1987 Patricia worked in various financial services positions, then stepped away from corporate life upon the birth of her first child. She has been a homemaker and stay at home mom since 1987.

Through the years, Patricia worked in many volunteer positions including PTA, church committees, National Charity League (mother/daughter philanthropic organization), Meals on Wheels, and CCOS Charity Guild.

Her son David, a member of Clubhouse Atlanta, was diagnosed with a life altering mental illness in 2010 after one semester away at college. Patricia and her husband Michael brought David home and have been on an ongoing journey ever since in hopes that David might one day achieve an independent living situation.

Her life is full meeting the demands of having David at home but is eager to serve on Clubhouse Atlanta’s Board of Directors in a meaningful way.